Sunday, September 30, 2007

Post Client Visit

This past Monday Dr. Young came and spoke to our class about the project and what exactly the web site's purpose will be. Our group found this to be a very helpful jump off point in terms of getting a clear idea of what we would like to include and how we would like to organize our web page. We are getting excited about starting this project and are encouraged that all our hard work has a chance of really impacting others' lives. We have our first official group meeting Monday (11/1) night at Spill the Beans. Callie has already come up with some great ideas about organization and has a rough sketch of the web page. The meeting will be a great opportunity to share this and other work that other members have completed as well. Hopefully we can come up with some awesome ideas, divide up the first round of work, and enjoy some great ice cream at the same time!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Tigers for Haiti, September 23, 2007

Our Group name is Tigers for Haiti. The group memebers are Jessica, Julia, Callie, Danny, and Laura. This week our team got together to come up with questions to ask Dr. Young upon his visit to our class. Here's what we came up with:
  • Can we post an “adopt a child” ad on our Blog and portfolio?
  • What do you want included on website?
  • Who is the audience?
  • What is the style of the website?
  • Are there any privacy issues dealing with people in our pictures?
  • As far as the language barrier, should there be translations on the website?

We also decided that it was very important that we research the history of the country and include that in the website.

Saturday, September 15, 2007


TIGERS FOR HAITI! Yes that is the name that has been chosen for our group. The Tigers for Haiti's mission for the semester is to complete an updated web page for the American Haitian Foundation. Our group consist of 5 members, Callie, Jessica, Julia, Laura, and Danny. At our very first meeting in class we set up a blog and designated team roles for each member. Callie is going to head up web design. Jessica is going to be the recorder of the minutes and agenda at the team meetings. Julia is going to be the writer, pulling together everyones work and making it into one piece. Danny is going to be our public relations representative. I, Laura, am the team leader. However, each member of the team will be involved in all parts of the client project and will also help the other team members out so that the work is balanced.

As a team we decided that it would be productive to meet once a week to discuss the project so that we can stay on top of the work that needs to be completed. We set a date for Mondays at 6:00 to meet at Spill the Beans. Our first assignment as a team is to research the history of Haiti and gain an understanding of how Haiti became in its current condition. We also want to determine any questions that we might have for the client so that we can address those questions when the client, Dr. Young, comes for a visit on September 24. Tigers For Haiti is looking foward to working together as a group and completeing our assignment for the American Haitian Foundation.